Paranormal Investigators
Paranormal Investigators
This page provides you with the highest quality and most reputable resources as both an investigator and spiritual enthusiast.
Luna Rose provides an array of spiritual products. They also sell black salt that is created by one of our very own directors, Brittany.
Experienced investigators that offer a range of services, including haunted objects, workshops, classes, and events, all designed to create a safe space for individuals to explore the paranormal.
If you are a paranormal investigator or just attend public ghost hunts in your free time, The Ghost Hunter Store is the place to go for the latest investigative equipment.
The team has a YouTube channel that discusses a wide range of topics pertaining to the paranormal world. Like and subscribe to keep updated!
When using your paranormal equipment it is important to know the current space weather as it affects humidity, gravity, static and electromagnetic fields. The NOAA provides the most current information you need to know.
Are you interested in reading and researching as much as possible about the paranormal? Check out Top Paranormal Sites for a list of websites for you to indulge your paranormal curiosity.
Conscious Reminder is a website which provides a wide range of articles relating to spirituality, lifestyles, health & wellness and much more. The goal is to spread awareness and positive vibes.
Epicedium is happy to help any client that reaches out to us, however sometimes you need to reach out to a team local to your area. The Paranormal Societies websites provides you a list of teams throughout the entire USA.