Paranormal Investigators
Paranormal Investigators
We are currently taking clients in the following New Jersey and Pennsylvania counties - Sussex, Passaic, Bergen, Warren, Morris, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Somerset, Middlesex, Mercer, Monmouth, Pike (PA), Monroe (PA) and Northampton (PA).
Currently the Epicedium team is on hiatus through the end of 2024. However, we are still able to refer you to a reputable team in your area. Please contact us if you are experiencing a paranormal problem and we can assist in finding the best team to meet your needs.
You must be 18 years old to submit an inquiry or have the consent of a legal guardian. Sending an inquiry to our team acknowledges receipt of our privacy policy which can be found on our home page. It also acknowledges that if an investigation results from the inquiry, it relinquishes Epicedium and all of its team members from all liability regarding the clients' property or possessions. A full copy of our lilability clause can be provided upon request.